Monday 27 February 2012

Evaluation Questions.

No1. In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

My thriller uses many forms and conventions of real media products. For example, my thriller uses a variety of camera shots and angles which have been seen in many other films and television programs. Our study of thriller films allowed us too copy and manipulate these shots to use them ourselves and portray a sense of suspense and anticipation. We took some of our inspiration from a number of Alfred Hitchcock's movies trying to repeat some of the camera shots seen.

No2. How does your media product represent particular social groups?

All films have a target audience for example action films or horror films are not aimed at little children, the same way that children's films are not aimed for adults or teenagers. The social group our thriller is aimed at  in my opinion is around the same age as the actors involved, teenagers between 16 - 18, maybe younger, however I do think that it would be suitable for older people too. The clothing used to define the Mise en Scene is stereotypical of youth around the country therefore people watching would definitely be able to understand the age range.

No3. What kind of Media Institution would distribute your media product and Why?

I think the type of media institution that would distribute our film would be on a web bases unlike major box office films who are distributed by companies like Dreamworks and Paramount. Social Networking sites such as Facebook and Myspace would be ideal to get the video seen as they keep everyone connected. Youtube would also be ideal to get the video around the net. Youtube and Facebook also allow comments therefore you will get feedback from other web users unlike you would get if you showed your film in cinema.

No4. Who would the audience be for your film?

The target audience for our thriller would definitely be older teenagers and young adults as the actors involved are also young which helps the audience to relate to them.

No5. How did you attract/address your audience?

Our media product attracted the audience by using typical codes and conventions that could be found in other big box office thrillers for example we used the Hitchcocks zoom which is used in Alfred Hitchcock's "Marnie".

No6. What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

From the start of this course, technology has been readily available. I had to learn to get used to the Mac as I am more keen on windows but it really has not been too much of a problem, just a little awkward at times. I have also become very keen on using cameras for example the camera we used was the Sony HVR-Z5 which we used with a tripod. This was excellent for high definition footage which then went on to be used in our final product. 

No7. Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt from it to the full product?

Throughout the media course overall up until now, I think that I have learnt many things. I have learnt everything from the codes and conventions of thriller films all the way from their birth when Alfred Hitchcock made Psycho! I have also had my hands on multiple pieces of technology including everything from blog work on Mac computers to full on camera work using a jib and tracks. I have also learnt about the many different camera shots and angles which can be used in films and there different purposes for example to focus on an individual object instead of the individual themselves bringing that object to peoples attention. I have also learnt about the major part continuity plays in films and how important it is in making the film look correct and making it footage work together well.

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